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다낭럭셔리점 호이안 안방.png
마사지 오일

Dahan spa is a luxury spa designed according to the Vietnam’s traditional luxury massage concept, pursuing a VIP lifestyle. Based on the experience accumulated over the years to bring customer the highest satisfaction. Dahan Spa has always focused on providing services to meet the needs of each customer.


Massage techniques inspired by traditional Vietnamese healing therapies

Through systematic training at Dahan Spa, we provide only the hands

of therapists who put their heart into it

We will restore your tired body and mind to the best condition with a high-quality premium massage

Relaxing Massage

With differentiated service system, we are day by day trying to improve service qualities and train massage therapists to bring absolute satifaction to customers
We will try to develop customer service and professional massage training through expanding branches all over Vietnam, developing variety of spa programs to makes dream “a leader in Vietnam's spa industry” come true.


다낭 럭셔리점 주소 : 498/6 Võ Nguyên Giáp, Khuê Mỹ, Ngũ Hành Sơn, Đà Nẵng

호이안 본점 주소 : thôn võng, Lâm Nhĩ, Cẩm Thanh, Hội An, Quảng Nam

호이안 안방비치점 주소 : 130 Lạc Long Quân, Cẩm An, Hội An, Quảng Nam

베트남 현지 전화번호 : +84) 094 1185 762 

카카오톡: dahanspa 

카카오톡 플러스 친구 : 다한스파

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